SocialDog automatically gathers data from social media, with the timing of this retrieval depending on the specific social media and data type.
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All social media
SocialDog retrieves data once daily per social profile
SocialDog typically retrieves data once per day for each social profile. This means that the information displayed on SocialDog's "Dashboard," "Analytics," and "Followers" pages is not in real-time.
Data posted or user information from follows (X (Twitter) only) right after SocialDog's last data retrieval will not be reflected until the next day's data retrieval.
Specifying data retrieval timing is not possible
The timing of data retrieval varies for each user and cannot be manually initiated.
As such, data retrieval may occur in the early morning or late at night.
Some X (Twitter) data can be manually updated. For details, please check Items that can be manually updated.
No data displayed immediately after SocialDog registration
Right after registering with SocialDog, no data will be displayed on the dashboard until the initial data retrieval is complete.
Retrieving historical data can take up to one day. Any data updated post-registration will be reflected in SocialDog after the next data retrieval cycle.
X (Twitter)
Timing of data retrieval
SocialDog fetches data automatically once a day, considering the period from 0:00 AM UTC to 23:59 PM the following day as one day.
The latest data is then updated on the "Dashboard," "Analytics," and "Followers" pages.
Items that can be manually updated
In addition to the automatic daily update, the following items can be updated manually at your preferred timing.- X (Twitter) account post history (Business and Enterprise plans only)
- For X (Twitter) accounts, you can manually update data by clicking the "Retrieve posts from X (Twitter)" button at the bottom of the Post history screen.
- Follow and follower lists
- In the "Followers" feature, you can manually update data by clicking the update time display in the upper right corner of the screen (shown as a button like "15 minutes ago"), then clicking the "Update now" button.
Are follows conducted outside SocialDog recorded?
Follows made outside of SocialDog are recorded.
If a follow and unfollow occur between data retrievals, such as when you unfollow immediately after following, it will not be recorded in the follow history. By regularly performing manual updates of the follow and follower lists, accurate information is more likely to be recorded in SocialDog's follow history.
Timing of data retrieval
The timing of data retrieval on Instagram varies based on the metric:
Metric | Examples of data included | Retrieval timing |
User metrics | Daily follower count, following count, impressions, likes, profile views, etc. |
Once a day between UTC 8:00 AM and UTC 7:59 AM the next day |
Media metrics |
Impressions per post, likes, etc. |
Online follower metrics | Average online followers by time of day , etc. |
Once a day between UTC 8:00 AM and UTC 7:59 AM the next day *Instagram data is typically 2-3 days old due to its specifications. |
Impact of Pacific Time (PT) Daylight Saving Time