Get tweets from keyword monitor

Updated: October 9, 2024

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Keyword Monitor does not automatically retrieve tweets. You must perform the following operations when you retrieve tweets.

Retrieval Limit

The number of retrievals available (note 2) within the last 30 days (note 1) varies depending on the plan.

The number of posts that can be collected in a single retrieval is 500, and the maximum number of retrievals for the last 30 days (note 1) is as follows:

  • Enterprise plan: 100 times (500 posts × 100 times = maximum of 50,000 posts can be collected)
  • Business plan: 30 times (500 posts × 30 times = maximum of 15,000 posts can be collected)
  • Professional plan: 10 times (500 posts × 10 times = maximum of 5,000 posts can be collected)

Note 1: About "the last 30 days"

Please note that this is not the number of times from the beginning to the end of the month.

Example: If the current date and time is "2023/6/15 15:00", the remaining number of retrievals at that point is calculated based on the number of retrievals from "2023/5/16 15:00 to 2023/6/15 15:00".

Note 2: About counting the number of retrievals

The number of retrievals consumed is determined by the actual number of posts retrieved.


  • Retrieval is performed with "Number of posts to retrieve" set to "1,500 posts (consuming 3 retrieval counts)"
  • The actual result of the retrieved data is "700 posts"

→ The number of retrievals consumed will be "2 times". Unused retrieval counts for unretrieved posts are not consumed.

Precautions when retrieving

Only posts after "the most recent post retrieved in the previous retrieval" will be collected.

Therefore, if there are posts that were missed during collection as in the example below, those missed posts cannot be retrieved.


  • Retrieval is executed for "1000 posts (consuming 2 retrieval counts)"
  • In reality, there were 1,500 posts that matched the criteria (in this case)

→ The "500 posts" that were missed cannot be retrieved.

If you want to retrieve all posts, select the "maximum number of retrievals" available and execute the retrieval.

Retrieving posts with Keyword Monitor

  1. Click "Inbox" from the menu.
  2. Click the keyword you added in keyword monitor.
    1. For instructions on how to add a keyword monitor, please refer toAdding a Keyword Monitor.
  3. Click on "Retrieve Latest Posts" at the top of the screen.
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  4. Select the "Number of posts to retrieve" from the dropdown menu and click "Retrieve latest posts" in the bottom right.
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    1. You can select the number of retrievals based on the number of posts you want to collect.
  5. Posts containing the added keyword will be collected.
    1. The number of likes displayed is the number at the time the data was retrieved. Please note that it is not a real-time value.
      1. For details, please check About the timing of data retrieval from SNS.
    2. Clicking on the "post time" in the red-framed area will take you to the corresponding post's X (Twitter) screen.
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