Free Plan Now Supports X (Twitter)

Update date: September 17, 2024

Thank you for using SocialDog.
We are pleased to announce that SocialDog will resume providing X (Twitter) features for the Free Plan on Tuesday, September 17, 2024.
Starting today, the following features will be available even on the Free Plan.

X (Twitter) account connecting feature

Free Plan users will be able to connect up to one X (Twitter) account to SocialDog.

For details on how to connect your X (Twitter) account, please refer to Connecting (Adding) Your X (Twitter) Account.

Basic trend indicators (Dashboard)

You can check the data such as “Number of Follows”, “Number of Followers”, and “F/F Ratio” trends in graphs on the Dashboard.

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Posting Features

The following posting-related features will be available:

  • Up to 5 posts per month from SocialDog
  • Ability to schedule up to 10 posts across X (Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook
  • View history of posts from SocialDog

Background of the resumption of X (Twitter) feature in the Free Plan

SocialDog aims to “create a world where all people and organizations can better utilize social networking service.”

With the X (Twitter) API becoming a paid feature in the spring of 2023, it has become difficult to provide X (Twitter) features on the Free Plan. However, we have a strong belief that we want to support all people and who want to utilize social networking sergice, including individual creators and marketers.

Therefore, we have decided to resume offering X (Twitter) features in the Free Plan to help people utilize social networking services using SocialDog as much as possible for free.

We will continue to add new features and improve existing features so that we can make even the slightest contribution to your social media marketing.

We hope that the resumption of this free plan will be a step forward in further supporting individual creators and organizations. We look forward to your continued support.