Change the order of users

Update date: December 28, 2018

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You can change the order of users from the top right corner of the screen.

  • Follow in order of Followers(descending).
  • Unfollow in order of Last modified(descending).

You can set up the following order.

Newest first

The list shown is in the order of most recent.

  • Fans: Date of followers
  • Unfollowed: date and time of follow
  • Inactive: Date of last follow
  • New Followers: date and time they followed you
  • New follower unfollowing: Date and time of unfollowing
  • Protected List: The date and time you added to the protected list
  • Hidden List: The date and time you added to the hidden list
  • Follow: date and time of the follow
  • Followers: date and time they followed you

Oldest first

The reverse order of new order.

In order of most followers and least followers.

In order of most or least followers.

In order of most followers and least followers.

Followers in order of most or least number of followers.

In order of most tweets and least tweets.

In order of the number of tweets to the number of tweets, the order is.

In order of highest FF ratio and lowest FF ratio.

FF Ratio (number of followers divided by the number of followers) in descending order.

FF ratio in order of closest to 1.

The FF ratio (number of followers divided by the number of followers) in descending order of distance from 1.

This is useful for narrowing down the list of users who are likely to follow you back.

Tweet date newer, tweet date older

In order of latest tweeting date of the user in question.

Last updated in order of newest/older.

Last tweeted in order of newest and oldest.

Twitter Start Date Newer / Twitter Start Date Older

Newly registered on Twitter in descending order of date and time.