o view post history and scheduled posts on an external calendar (shared post calendar)

Update date:  December 26, 2024

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You can check your Twitter account's post history and scheduled posts on your calendar app.

Due to the discontinuation of "Post (Legacy)", the post calendar sharing feature will be discontinued on June 1st. For more details, please see "Transitioning from "Post (Legacy) to Crosspost"

What is iCalendar?

 It is a file format for sharing calendar events. It may be indicated by the file extension .ics at the end of a file name or URL.

Supported Apps

To view post history and scheduled posts on an external calendar (post calendar sharing).

  1. Click on the "gear icon" in the top left corner.
  2. Click on "Export Calendar."
  3. Click on "Generate Public URL for Post Calendar" (Proceed to step 4 if this button is not visible).
  4. Copy the displayed URL.
  5. Paste the copied URL into your calendar app. For further instructions, please refer to the help section of your specific app.
  • Post calendar sharing is read-only. You cannot add, edit, or delete scheduled posts.
  • From this URL, you can view past post history and scheduled posts. Please handle with care. In case of any leaks, clicking 'Invalidate URL' will render it invalid.
  • The calendar sharing feature is not available in "Crosspost".