Add a schedule slot

Update date:  December 26, 2024

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This is a feature that allows you to pre-register days and times when you frequently post.
The basic operation method is the same for both Post (Legacy) and Crosspost.

To add posts to scheduled slots, you need to set up scheduled slots first.

Create a posting time

  1. Click on Tweets and then Posting times.
  2. Select the day of the week and the time you want to post and click the Add posting time button.
  3. If you want to set more than one time, set the time for each and click the Add button.
    To delete the time of the day, click O next to the time.
  4. The Scheduled tweets screen will be displayed with the date and time frame you selected.
    In the future, tweets added to the Add to queue list will be placed in this list of time slots.