Frequently used words

Update date: August 24, 2021

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You can check the words you use frequently on Twitter in the "Frequently used words" section.

Available analytics items

  • Frequently used words
  • Tweet list

Frequently used words

The "Frequently used words" section allows you to check the words you use frequently on Twitter. The more frequently you use a word, the larger it will be displayed.

Tweet list

The Tweet List shows your tweets in a table format, with the number of replies, retweets, likes, and engagements. The default order is by engagement. You can also search for specific tweets.

Download your tweet data in CSV format

You can download the number of your tweets by period in CSV format.

CSV download is only available on PC browsers.

  1.  Click "Analysis" > "Frequently used words".
  2.  Select the analysis period you want to download.
  3.  Click the "" button on the right side of the "Tweet List".

Change the analysis period

You can change the analysis period in the "Frequently used words" section. The analysis period available to you will vary depending on your plan. For more information, please see your plan.

  1. To change the analysis period, click "Analysis" > "Frequently used words". 
  2. change the date in the upper right corner of the screen.

Sort the tweet list by the number of replies or retweets

In the Tweet List, you can sort your tweets by the number of replies, retweets, and likes, in ascending or descending order.

  1. Click "Analysis" >"Frequently used words". 
  2. Select the analysis period you want to download.
  3. Click the "Reply, Retweet, Like, Engagement" header in the Tweet List table.